Easy Plug-N-Play Blues Feel in F...

5MEBS-FULL-PRODUCT-SHOT-350X3505 MORE Easy Blues Solos...

This solo is one of 5 from 5 MORE Easy Blues Solos... if you like it and want more go check out the rest of them and get your copy today.

These solos are all plug-n-play examples of classic, tried-and-true, blues soloing. Getting these under your fingers will have you playing solos that make people stand up and pay attention...

Main Video Lesson

Slow Speed Play-Along

Full Speed Play-Along

One of the things you want to do before you even really get into this is just listen to the full speed (and maybe even the slow speed) play-along tracks to really get the melody in your head.

It's really helpful if you can hum along with it first, then try to learn the notes. And there is nothing faster than an 1/8th note and that's on purpose.

Leave A Comment And Tell Me What You Think...


  • Andy

    Reply Reply August 30, 2014


    As always your stuff is just the best. Can’t wait to get started


    • jim

      Reply Reply August 21, 2015

      You can sink all three of these to play at the same time and it sounds awesome!

    • Barry

      Reply Reply September 4, 2018

      This lesson has spurred me to do something that I have been resisting for so long, namely counting. I am currently writing out all the “1 & 2 &” above the tab notes and counting out loud as I work through each example. It is slow going at first but I know I will be able to run after I learn to walk. Funny, I seem to like the feel of the slower version more than the full speed. This is really a neat piece! Thanks

  • Jim

    Reply Reply August 30, 2014


    I just wanted to say thank you.
    Thank you for your continued emails always pushing us to do better, leading us in new directions, encouraging us when we might get otherwise become discouraged and doing what you do best…teaching guitar! Your guitar lesson packages and continued support is helping greatly into making me into a “playa”.

    Thanks Griff!


  • Peter

    Reply Reply August 30, 2014

    Nice little solo.
    Has a laid back feel to it.
    Always good to see some non-strat blues.
    Thanks and bring us more!


  • Joseph Aragon

    Reply Reply August 30, 2014

    Just great Griff, new patterns and ideas to play with, things are starting to fall in place with miy musical efforts, Thanks Mike, from Az.

  • Art

    Reply Reply August 30, 2014

    I was hoping you were coming up with something similar to the first 5 Easy Blues and I wake up this morning to find the new 5 MORE Easy Blues. I’m certainly not the only one obviously to commend you for yet another outstanding teaching, but I do echo them in saying, GREAT JOB and THANK YOU for your dedication to teaching we who yearn to become better in our love for the Blues. Hope to catch you live in October when we come down your way. BTW: Great video demo’s of what we can expect in the new teaching and last but not least, THANK YOU for the free shipping and STUDENT01 discount you always give us loyal students of BGU. Hope you have a wonderful Labor Day at the gigs.

  • jim

    Reply Reply August 30, 2014

    Two things struck me while watching this lesson:
    1) I really need a lot of work on the boxes. 2) I really need a lot work on the boxes!

  • steve

    Reply Reply August 30, 2014

    Don’t know about anyone else, but the video/audio quality and sync I’m getting on these links aren’t up to the usual standards of BGU. I’ve got some BGU stuff already so I trust the production quality of the actual course will be better than what I’m seeing, others might not.

  • Robert Holmes

    Reply Reply August 31, 2014

    I seem to be unable to get to the shopping trolley to check out.

  • Bill Heistein

    Reply Reply August 31, 2014

    Great instruction, easy to learn, yet powerful step to get you going in soloing and improvising.

  • Bill Heistein

    Reply Reply August 31, 2014

    OK, you convinced me. I now ordered your full course. Really looking forward to getting into it. This is not my first order-big fan of your courses.

  • Tom Stroup

    Reply Reply August 31, 2014

    I’ve been lurking for about a year, learning as I go from your lessons. Great stuff.
    This is The Best so far! Your explanations of the count, the beat, and
    especially how the major and minor sounds fit properly with the I, IV, and IV chords
    really, really came together for me. You even throw in a couple of notes from Dorian but explain
    how you added notes – you didn’t switch modes.
    And… you explain how you get ready to go from one section, or chord backing, to be right for the next.
    I don’t know if it is because it is finally clicking in for me, or if this is just the best explanations
    in a lesson I have ever heard, but this is fantastic, Griff. I’m an older guy and I’m just learning guitar.
    I’ve been a college prof for 25 years, and this is great teaching, Griff.
    I know how putting these lessons together, and then video on top of that, eats up a person’s time.
    I can’t thank you enough.
    I’m in southern Ohio, or I would be there to see everything live that you do. Maybe next year?

  • sandra mahony

    Reply Reply September 1, 2014

    thanks so much Griff. This is very generous of you, and very much appreciated.THANKYOU .

  • Jeffrey Goblirsch

    Reply Reply September 1, 2014

    Thanks Griff for the 5 More easy blues solo. Just looking at the Tabs, it’s not so easy for me a beginner. Take a long while to get this down! Lot of Bends to get down too! Not so easy! I can’t purchase this course now. Got all I can do to get through Begiinning Blues Guitar. I’ll give this a try though!

    Jeffrey Gobirsxh

  • Picknslide

    Reply Reply September 1, 2014

    Nice Griff: Being 63 and working, I just find it hard to find the time to regularly pick up the axe and ‘noodle away’. Your stuff has directed the noodling quite a bit and given it more focus. You are a great instructor. Keep up the good work! I am still looking for the right electric guitar that fits my hand…. this is an ominous task, it seems. That’s why I asked you about your “strat” lookalike.

    The example here is more suited to your Gibson ES 335 like guitar… BB King Style

  • jean dominique

    Reply Reply September 1, 2014

    I like the tempo of these new songd. I all honesty, I feel overwhelmed with so much stuff. Threfore I am not ready for it.

  • Gary L.

    Reply Reply September 2, 2014

    This is a great lesson! If I can get this lesson down, I will definitely be putting this course on my wish list! Along with a few more I like! Right now, I am still working on the BGU course which is taking a lot of my time. Thanks for your time and generosity. It is well appreciated!

  • Janusz Hamerski

    Reply Reply September 5, 2014

    I like these solos very much. They are just what I need at the time to enjoy developing my skills. You should do a lot of solos at this level. Not too hard and still they give you a feel for the construction of a solo. And there is no better way to learn the licks. Brilliant work. Thank you.

  • Ian C.

    Reply Reply September 5, 2014

    I am still getting to grips with your BGU course so am not really ready for this yet…………..But bought it anyway! so that I have a firm goal to play to.
    Your teaching is inspirational Griff. I am knocking on age wise so the old stubby digits are not as flexible as I would like, but hey ho we’ll get there.
    Got Clapton’s Breeze playing at the moment. Yeah.

    • Thanks Griff I’m putting you my list for the 5 more blues lesson and keep up the great teaching thanks again TC

      Reply Reply August 27, 2019

      Griff 5 more easy Blues solos,Great guitar blues teaching keep up the good thanks once again TC

  • Jim Gulley

    Reply Reply September 6, 2014

    Love this stuff. Can’t get enough of it. Once i can play it like you i probably won’t even want to come in for supper. Lol

    • Legoge47

      Reply Reply August 14, 2015

      In my case I have to cook supper before I can EAT it!

  • Graeme H

    Reply Reply September 10, 2014

    Thanks Griff, you are more than generous with your handouts. Will certainly get these solos when I catch up with those in the BGU course.

  • DaveOnDrums

    Reply Reply September 10, 2014

    Wow! Solo 4 – Is incredible!!! You don’t have to tell me to listen to it to get it in my head – I can’t quit listening to it. Thanks!

  • Harry

    Reply Reply September 12, 2014

    Hey Griff you are the best. But I hate to but have to ask for your help. I need the written out (or tabbed) scales (or boxes) for the Major boxes, the minor blues boxes and the pentatonic minor blues boxes. I’ve got a lot of work to do to get these boxes down. All five boxes for each of these scales. I would also love to have the arpeggios. I know I can transpose them so if you could get them to me I can work on them. Are they all in your Blues Guitar Unleashed series? Or tell me where I can find them. If you or someone could help me I would appreciate it. Thanks.

    • Freebyrd57

      Reply Reply August 25, 2015

      Harry, read your comment on one of Griff Hamlin’s videos and, thought I’d share what I know.

      The major Pentatonic scale is the same 5 patterns as the minor just, instead of starting with the minor, 1st position, you start the major 1st position with the, minor, 2nd, position.

      I hope that doesn’t sound as confusing to you as it did to, me, once I read it so, I’ll try again to explain it, differently?

      Instead of starting with the first position in the minor pentatonic scale, you start the major pentatonic with the 2nd, minor, position.

      I think it starts on the same, 6th string root but, you’ll use your, 2nd, finger now to start it off since, the second, minor, position is a fret back?

      I hope I didn’t confuse you any more than I think I did?

  • Derek Roberts

    Reply Reply May 2, 2015

    Always great to listen and watch your guitar technique. Just one question: With all that string bending, how often do you have to renew your frets. I notice some of mine are really worn and I only play at home for my own amusement for about an hour each day.

  • Bob

    Reply Reply May 2, 2015

    Hi Griff many thanks for the lesson, just one question how do you get that great tone and bite on your guitar,
    I’ve got two humbuckers on my guitar, but I can’t seem to get that sweet tone you get.thanks again for the lesson
    Bob M

  • Sanford

    Reply Reply May 2, 2015

    Fabulous class Thank Griff

  • Helmut Rainer

    Reply Reply May 3, 2015

    Griff you are a great Teacher. every day I’m looking forward to your session. Thank

  • Derek Roberts

    Reply Reply May 3, 2015

    Fabulous guitar tips Griff’. With all the string bending involved in Blues and Country guitar playing, how long do your frets last?? Mine seem to wear quite quickly and I only play for my own amusement for about an hour or so each day and I use light strings i.e. 10’s.

  • Mr.Jay

    Reply Reply May 4, 2015

    Whoops…current times here in Texas: 11:06 p.m. and in California: 10:06 p.m. and it looks like your offer has expired???

  • Terry

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    Excellent stuff as usual Griff.

    I’m trying to master the solos in Peter Green’s “Need Your Love So Bad” and notice that he was using the same box as you but four frets up as it is in A. So your explanation has really helped me.

    So if anyone else is thinking, yeah great solo but how can I learn from it, I’ve just given a prime example. So once you’ve master this one, move up four frets and try P.G’s itro on that classic number. you’ll find it’ll all make a lot more sense with Griffs lesson behind you.

  • tony

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    Great example on how to acheive the major and minor sounds . Been waiting for this . Switching gears with the diffrent scales may take Me awhile . Doing the homework for Me does help . Seems easy for You Griff ,but, the students may not think it is. I think the cord progression from F to Bb to C is the way it goes . the dorian scale thing kinda sounds like something Eric Johnson would do.

  • Kevin

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    Griff – thanks so much for breaking down what at first seemed like an impossible solo for me to work on. What I love is the clarity of the notes you play (if only…) – & of course the way you teach them. Your such an inspiration for all us would be blues players – & one heck of a teacher!!
    Thank you Griff

  • Phil Bate

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    As we say in the Black Country in the centre of the U.K. – “That was Boston’ aer kid” (translation: “That was exceptionally good my friend”)

  • Paul Warner

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    Very good lessons and good theory behind what you are teaching. Well worth learning…Paul

  • frank hughes

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    Griff you the man you the man you the MAN! Thanks for sharing this awesome lesson!!!

  • JD Gemmell

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    Great material – as always Griff; designed to inspire.

  • Douglas Allen

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    I’m having quit a bit of trouble right now and having a little trouble finding the time I need to practice like I should. Great lesson and never give up.

  • Rod Lawry

    Reply Reply August 15, 2015

    Hi Griff,

    I just wish to endorse the positive feedback of the tribe, even though the “collective we” have various Unleashed packages your continuing encouragement & generosity as a teacher & mentor are outstanding.


  • phillip rose

    Reply Reply August 15, 2015

    very good… love the sound.. you make it look very easy, thank you for your dedication to teaching and playing…

  • Jake Whicker

    Reply Reply August 17, 2015

    Griff, I love this style of slow blues solo. The play along video looked slightly ahead of the audio track, but that won’t stop me from learning this one. I’m a huge fan.

  • Jake Whicker

    Reply Reply August 17, 2015

    After watching the downloaded file, it appears the synch is fine.

  • Charles Redditt

    Reply Reply August 17, 2015

    Hi Griff, I have most of your courses however I’m not as far along in this as I should be. My big question is what box or pattern is this example starting in? the pentatonic box is box 3, however the notes don’t match box 3. If I use caged system C position, it doesn’t seem to match that either. So what kind of pattern is this and how does it fit with the pentatonic patterns, or is it even supposed to? I’ve seen BB use this and you use this however it just doesn’t fit any pattern I can understand.

  • jean Dominique

    Reply Reply August 18, 2015

    This is what I call the anatomy of a solo. Yu dissected it piece by piece, making it easier . That was enjoyable. Thank you so much

  • DJ Andrade

    Reply Reply August 19, 2015

    awesome, beautiful licks, just getting into blues now,

  • Mike King

    Reply Reply September 4, 2015

    Really great lesson, but why in F?
    We don’t play anything in that key, Now having learnt note for note, I have to try and transpose to E or A.
    Still enjoyed the lesson though, keep up the great tutorials.

  • MrJay

    Reply Reply February 9, 2016

    Mike King: you asked why in the key of F and then having to transpose to other keys. I’ve found that that is a GREAT way to accelerate leaning new skills. 1. It forces you to become more familiar with the fret board and move around and 2. You learn to play the solo at different tempos and 3. You learn to improvise by adopting (changing) the solo to fit different songs. One of my steeping stone goals is to take any of Griff’s solos, put on any jam track in any key and play the solo over it. There is a lot to be learned in doing so.

  • jack flash

    Reply Reply August 22, 2018

    I have and practice the 5 easy blues solos daily as I mix many solos together with the licks from my walls…

  • Calvin Baines Jr.

    Reply Reply August 23, 2018

    I enjoyed that.

    Cal Baines.

  • dean

    Reply Reply August 23, 2018

    Luv your solo’s…

  • Roger

    Reply Reply August 23, 2018

    I’ve been playing guitar live for 40 years. The old expression “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” does not apply here. Griffs stuff is the best. I just watched the above simple video…and just found a completely new sound to add to my shows..I just played in the studio for 2 hours straight having fun with it. I get tons of instructional videos that all get deleted… except for Griffs.

    Great stuff man. Thx for helping out the old guys..
    Atl Ga

  • Michael Chappell

    Reply Reply August 25, 2018

    hey Griff, Thank you for an inspiring 5 more easy blues which I have saved for later as slightly more advanced than where I am at present. I am across the Pentatonic Scales and the 5 Boxes. But I like the feel of these solos.

    Great lesson.

    Michael-Sydney-Australia 22nd Aug 2018.

  • Ronald Larson

    Reply Reply August 25, 2018

    Hey Griff, thanks for the lesson. You always have such great tone. What kind of pickups do you have in your Gibson ES335(?) ?
    What about in your Les Paul, which I noticed also has great tone.

    • TC

      Reply Reply August 27, 2019

      Griff you have a great style of blues guitar teaching and you explain it with (5) plus stars and the way you put together the 5 more blues solos is super good keep up the good work Thanks TC

  • Robert

    Reply Reply September 4, 2019

    Awesome as always, even more stoked because I received my bgu 2.0 dvd/cds and manual in mail yesterday. Going to get down to some serious structured lessons today. Thanks for all you do for us in the time and talent you freely give us Griff

  • Thomas Guitarman

    Reply Reply June 29, 2021

    Nice solo that can work in most keys

  • Mike

    Reply Reply August 12, 2021

    Well griff yur the 1st teacher that lays it down flat enuff to follow and I can do the licks but I’m feeling I don’t know enuff about the minor / major
    Relation to pick those notes I guess I’m struggling on the major minor relation even tho I know both scales Might just b me

  • Jeff

    Reply Reply March 29, 2022

    I love the original 5 Easy Blues Solos and this new course sounds cool too. I just wish you could take a page out of your “5 Easy Blues Songs” course and add a second, “rhythm”, guitar part so that 2 guitar buddies can get together and each one play his part to these wonderful songs.

    Sure, I know the blues forms and the I, IV, and V. I can make my own rhythm part(s) for these songs. BUT there’s something about the way YOU put together the rhythm guitar part that meshes so nice with the lead. Little nuances that sound so good but that I don’t know about. This is where your expertise shines.

    Here’s an idea for you. Go over some of your old courses where you only have the guitar solo and develop a “supplement” to the original solos where the supplemental material is the rhythm guitar part to the various songs.

    Some of your courses that would lend itself to this “supplemental” treatment might include the original 5 Easy Blues Solos and your Blues Gig In A Box Vols 1&2. I think it would work with Solo Without Scales and some of your other courses. I think you might get the idea. You don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” and come up with new songs. Just develop the rhythm part for your existing courses. You can even call it a “rhythm” course if you think that will help sell it.

    Just an idea.

  • Michael Chappell

    Reply Reply May 19, 2023

    Hey Griff,

    Great refresher which I saw back in 2018, I have saved it again on my new laptop for later,

    All good.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Michael-Sydney- Aust May 20th 2023

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